"O come, let us worship God, and bow low before the God who made us, for He is the Lord our God.” ~ Psalm 95
Dear Folks, Greetings!
You can blame the Groundhog! Good grief what a long winter! As we will be experiencing a couple of storms this weekend, please travel safely. If you cannot make Mass, we still appreciate your making up your donation. A Sunday storm can cost us $5 -7 thousand.
I have visited New London hospital several times, quite an indication to the amount of cold and flu spreading around. Stay healthy.
A special insert by the Finance Council will be in the bulletin. This chart will help people see where we are halfway through the fiscal year that ended in December. Hopefully by June we can enjoy a balanced budget.
We are interviewing Jessica Kelley to assist us with the Faith Formation program.
Please keep in prayer my dear friend Fr. Michael Taylor pastor of St. Matthew’s Windham and a judge on the Matrimonial Tribunal. He has entered hospice care.
I am in the process of finalizing Tom Page’s funeral with his family. Hopefully, we will hear soon.
We will be entering the Season of Lent soon, so kindly watch for special events. Ginny Blass is scheduled to do a Lenten Mission for us.
Stay Well
Father Don