“Beloved, we love God because he first loved us. …For the love of God is this, that we keep his commandments.” 1 John 4:19
Dear Folks,
Next Monday, January 13th, I will leave for Florida, weather permitting. I expect to be back the 24th. During these two weeks the daily Mass will be suspended, yet the weekend Mass will be celebrated by Fr. Gerry Bertin. I hope he’ll feel welcome.
I am pleased to announce that the Avita Ryan estate has bequeathed Our Lady of Fatima parish $100,000. These funds have been specifically designated as follows: $25,000 for Loaves and Fishes, and $75,000 for air conditioning OLF. This will certainly help our parish in its capital repair projects and not need to drain any offertory or savings. We could not possibly do these expensive projects without the bequests left to us. Again, our thanks to the Ryan family for their generosity. Future bequests should be designated for the parking lot or other Capital Repair Projects.
Members of the Pastoral Council will be installed at the 10:30 Mass on Sunday. The Pastoral Council meets Monday @ 6:30 PM.
Congratulations to Tom Ross who is being accepted into the Catechumenate at the 5 PM Mass this Saturday.
Surf’s Up!
Father Don